Code of Conduct
MABERA adopts practices of social, environmental, and health and safety responsibility towards its workers, conducting its business ethically and involving its partners, customers, and suppliers, favoring local communities.
1. Respect for the Fundamental Rights of the Worker
Safe and Healthy Environment: To promote a continuous improvement of Hygiene and Safety conditions at work, in order to avoid accidents and damage to health resulting from their professional activity and that arise during work or as a result of the operation of the facilities.
Remuneration: Payment of the wage required by law and compensation of workers in case of overtime in accordance with applicable and current legislation.
Employment Contract: Employment contracts are concluded between the company and its employees in accordance with the rules in force (Employment Code and respective regulations).
Freedom of Association: Workers have the right to freedom of association, in accordance with current regulations.
Working Hours: At Mabera, all employees comply with Working Hours in full respect of the applicable Labor Legislation.
Overtime work, when necessary, is voluntary and remunerated in accordance with current labor legislation.
Under no circumstances are workers asked or required to take work home.
Cleaning and Hygiene Conditions: Hygiene and cleanliness conditions are ensured in the workplace, in the dining areas, and in social areas. Privacy and cleanliness in changing rooms and bathrooms are also ensured.
Preventing and combating harassment at work: Mabera fully subscribes to the universal declaration of human rights. Any violation of these principles in the supply chain must be reported, ensuring maximum confidentiality in all investigations carried out.
2.Ethical behavior in business
Mabera follows relevant OECD guidelines on responsible business conduct in a global context.
Mabera guarantees not to be involved in any act of corruption, extortion, embezzlement, or any form of bribery - including, but not limited to - the promise, offer, donation, or acceptance of any monetary or other improper incentive.
Mabera maintains accurate information about its activities, structure, and performance, which it discloses in accordance with applicable regulations and industry benchmark practices. The company guarantees the veracity of this information as well as all information about the supply chain, ensuring reasonable care in the treatment of any personal information collected and processed (including employees, business partners, customers, and consumers).
The collection, use, and processing of any type of personal information will be carried out in strict compliance with the applicable regulations.
Mabera promotes the training of its employees on legislation and regulations in the area of ​​integrity and ethics and communicates sanctions to be applied when non-compliance is verified.
3. The following activities are prohibited in Mabera
Forced Labor: Mabera does not resort to any type of Forced Labor, whether in the form of prison labor or otherwise.
Child Labor: Mabera does not admit any employee under the age of 18 to its service.
Harassment or Abuse: Workers are treated with respect, fairness, and dignity. No worker may be subjected to physical, sexual, or psychological harassment or abuse.
Discrimination: workers are not subject to any type of discrimination in terms of hiring, salary, access to training, promotion, discipline, retirement, or termination, based on sex, race, national, territorial, or social origin, religion, age, disability, reduced work capacity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, union membership, political or ideological opinion, union membership, social class, birth, family responsibilities, ethnic or any other origin condition that promotes discriminatory acts.
4. Migrant workers
All the previous points are extended to migrant workers who are admitted to Mabera. These workers are guaranteed by Mabera all the same rights and protections as Portuguese workers.
Mabera also guarantees that these workers will have access to their employment contract translated into a language they understand, with clear information on the terms and duration of the contract, deductions, and benefits
5. Environmental Conditions
Mabera aims to continuously reduce the negative impacts of its processes and operations on the environment, based on the reduction of emissions into the air and water, reduction of waste production, the application of cleaner technologies, and the use of less harmful products for the environment.
6. Legal Compliance
Mabera works in accordance with applicable local legislation and ILO conventions.
All Mabera's business partners, including suppliers and customers, must act in full compliance with applicable local legislation
Mabera does not consciously work with business partners that do not act in full compliance with the applicable Local Legislation.
Mabera provides the following appropriate channels so that any employee can report situations of dissatisfaction, irregular situations, situations of corruption, or suggestions for improvement. These channels guarantee the anonymity and non-discrimination of those involved. All information received is analyzed with the company's Management and the necessary actions are taken in each case.
Mabera guarantees the disclosure of this document in the appropriate internal channels (shared folders of internal procedures and posting), on its website (, and its disclosure to all third parties interested in the business.